This (draft) letter was posted after a visitor's request for example(s) of cancellation notifications. NRS' cancellation confirmation and “sincere regret for your inconvenience” letter was issued so promptly after being contacted by the Pennsylvania AG that it was never necessary for me actually to send this, but it may provide some ideas for anyone needing to draft their own notification.
Another example is Gabriel Wofford Lezra’s letter to NRS. The convenient timing of the AG’s current actions against NRS, Kansas certainly gives “teeth” to his notification (lol).
Thanks for visiting theNRSscam blog. Hope something here is helpful.
Good luck to all of us!! D/
National Readers Service
1709 South Braddock Avenue #166
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
To the attention of National Readers Service:
This is to acknowledge receipt of the cancellation confirmation letter for account XXX00000-0, as well as, the $68.28 refund deposited to the originally debited account. Previously your representative indicated that a duplicate refund check had been processed and expressed a preference for it to be returned. Since no duplicate check has been received by mail, presumably it was not posted after processing. However, if any check is received, the intention remains to return it as agreed.
It is expected if any accounts in addition to the above mentioned XXX00000-0 were created, they too are closed with no balance or billing in the future. If any accounts result in magazine receipt they will be considered complimentary with no charge.
Please place XXX-XXX-XXXX on your company’s do not call list.
As you are aware, a Federal Trade Commission complaint was filed against National Readers Service in response to misrepresentations of subscription savings, failure to honor the implied cancellation period, and the deceptive nature of disclosing the costs of other preview offerings during your initial solicitation. Additionally, statements detailing the entire experience with NRS including all associated offers (United Benefit Advantage, ID Sentinel Alert, United Benefits Services, and International Rebates, LLC) have been forwarded to the Attorneys General of Pennsylvania and [my home state]. These statements were submitted in hopes of contributing to your company’s accountability for fraudulent business practices, as well as, for documentation in the case of failure by NRS [or an associated company] to honor any agreements.
Documentation included the eventual subscription cancellation agreement, refunded payment, written cancellation confirmation receipt, as well as, specific mention that the award/ confirmation form for the complimentary watch was NOT submitted. The agreement of cancellation by phone for both the United Benefit Advantage & ID Sentinel Alert programs and the fact that the International Rebates, LLC gas rebate program was NOT activated were also included.
Thank you for your representatives’ courteous attention in resolving this situation.
What's on theNRSscam blog?
Don't miss the links in the text and in the handy sidebar.
theNRSscam blog was created to provide general magazine subscription scam information, consumer protection resources, specific information about National Readers Service, and suggestions for dealing with magazine subscription scams.
If you have found any company's business practices to be deceptive or fraudulent, I strongly encourage you to contact your local consumer protection office and file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and Attorneys General. Feel free to link this site to any relevant discussion you encounter, help me keep my promise, and make the ability to keep doing this type of business more difficult!!
Thanks for visiting, D/
Check out who else is checking out National Readers Service:
> December 24, 2009: Pennsylvania Attorney General opens file on National Readers Service, Pittsburgh, PA
Check out something interesting:
> Rip Off Report complaint about International Marketing Association (a.k.a., National Readers Service, et al) .
Don't miss the links in the text and in the handy sidebar.
theNRSscam blog was created to provide general magazine subscription scam information, consumer protection resources, specific information about National Readers Service, and suggestions for dealing with magazine subscription scams.
If you have found any company's business practices to be deceptive or fraudulent, I strongly encourage you to contact your local consumer protection office and file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and Attorneys General. Feel free to link this site to any relevant discussion you encounter, help me keep my promise, and make the ability to keep doing this type of business more difficult!!
Thanks for visiting, D/
Check out who else is checking out National Readers Service:
> December 24, 2009: Pennsylvania Attorney General opens file on National Readers Service, Pittsburgh, PA
>NRS, Pittsburgh responds to the Attorney General> December 30, 2009: Kansas Attorney General demands trial by jury against Publisher’s Renewal Service d/b/a National Readers Service, and Treasure Coast Renewals, et al. Check out the court documents at
Check out something interesting:
> Rip Off Report complaint about International Marketing Association (a.k.a., National Readers Service, et al) .
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About me & theNRSscam blog
- D/
- I'm no one special, my kid is just one of "the scammed", and I'm keeping the promise I made to National Readers Service. By the way, while I can attest to the truth of my own personal experience with National Readers Service as presented here, I cannot make the same guarantee for the other complaints and comments posted here or linked on this site. Also the suggestions offered here worked for me, the opinions I post are my own, but neither constitute legal advice. You'd have to consult a lawyer for that, of course. I hope you find something helpful here if you need it.